2025 – the Year of the Eastern Box Turtle at Riverfest!
This FREE annual event takes place river-side at Constitution Park South in Waynesboro, VA. Activities include Reptile World shows, presentations by the Wildlife Center of Virginia, Stream Safari exploration, Fish and Fun Rodeo, canoe rides, kids arts & crafts, interactive exhibits, and more. The day ends with the Great South River Duck Race!
Programs and activities start at 10am and continue throughout the day.
Rain or Shine – No Pets Allowed
Riverfest welcomes environmentally-themed organizations and companies as exhibitors. There is no exhibit fee; exhibitors may not charge a fee for games and activities associated with their table. For more information, please email: info@riverfestwaynesboro.org
South River Watershed Coalition is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Contributions to qualified 501(c)(3) organizations may be deductible as charitable contributions on a donor’s federal income tax return. Tax ID # 92-2890008