Because the flow of water does not respect town and county lines, the boundaries of a watershed are defined not by man-made lines on a map, but by the highest elevations surrounding a given body of water. It follows then that every watershed has its own unique shape. In fact, the South River Watershed is shaped like a boot. If you live in this watershed, most of what seeps through your yard and runs off it flows into local streams that lead to the South River.
Protecting water that flows from your house can reduce water and wastewater treatment costs. That’s why your individual actions impact the health of the water for your community. What can you do? If you don’t already, consider picking up after your pets and picking up litter from the street and storm drains. Read the disposal instructions on your household cleaning products before emptying them down the drain and limit your use of chemical fertilizers.
Encourage family and friends to do the same and then keep checking back here for more tips on water conservation and protection!